Understand, Prevent & Cure Mitochondrial Diseases


  • Mitochondrial diseases can affect any organ in the body and at any age.
  • Many mitochondrial diseases are so new that they have not yet been mentioned in the medical textbooks or in to the medical literature. Due to unpredictable epigenetic and genetic and genotypic and phenotypic mito-nuclear relationship these diseases are collectively named as “mystondria” (mysterious diseases of mitochondria).
  • Mitochondrial diseases are severely debilitating, often fatal and characteristically complex in nature. They are inherited through the mother


  • MRMS publishes a scientific journal Mitochondrion
  • Mitochondrion is a peer-reviewed international research journal. The scope of the journal is broad, reporting on basic science of mitochondria from all organisms to reporting on pathology and clinical aspects of mitochondrial diseases. The journal welcomes original contributions from investigators working in diverse sub-disciplines including evolution, biophysics, biochemistry, molecular and cell biology, genetics, pharmacology, toxicology, forensic science, programmed cell death, aging, cancer and clinical features of mitochondrial diseases named “mystondria”.